Empire Deluxe Enhanced Edition

Unit Processing, Queuing and Control


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The Active Unit Processing Queue

All of your units are placed into a queue, a line of units awaiting instructions on what to do each turn. Many of these units already have orders, and can be processed by the game. Some of this processing is automatic, some of it will need to be manual. The player can use the mouse and keyboard to both obtain information regarding units and to command them.

Several Actions help manipulate a unit in or out of the Active Unit Queue. These Are:

Players may now slow down the automatic processing of units. To do this, edit the preferences for a player, and under Speed Settings find the option Throttle Unit Processing Speed. If you enable this, enter the time between unit processing in milliseconds you wish to have.

Units Waiting For Orders

When a unit is not sure what to do, it will blink and wait for you, its commander, to instruct it. A unit may be waiting for various reasons, some of which are:

Starting Automatic Processing

In several of these cases, a Right Click of the mouse will attempt to have the game continue to process the unit.  Also invoking the Continue Action from the Action Tab or the keyboard will also begin processing.

There are also toggles, discussed later in this section, which set up the criteria for when interruptions in the processing should occur.

In some instances, you may wish to halt processing immediately. Holding down the ESCAPE key will do this.

There are also hot keys and menus to help you order your troops quickly, and dialogs to have you give them more complex series of orders.

When And How The Queue Is Built

The Active Unit Processing Queue is constructed at the beginning of every turn, after all units from new production and new construction have been created. Each one of your units is reviewed and based on various criteria, it is either accepted or rejected by the queue.

Some units are not required to be "processed" every turn. These are generally units that either do little or nothing, or are currently involved in some time based activity, like building a road or producing a unit. Only units that are going to move or otherwise require your attention that turn should be in the queue.

Some of the criteria can be set via the Control Menu. These detailed conditions behind these settings are:

Sorting The Queue

During a player's Active Turn, the queue can be sorted based on the specified criteria at any point. This sorting will neither add nor remove units in the queue, just simply rearrange them.

A default sorting method can also be chosen, and this method is used to sort the queue after it is built at the beginning of every turn. The options are available from the Control Menu.

The sorting methods are: